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Ennis Public Realm Enhancement Project

17 June 2021

Closed for submissions
Submission deadline: Sunday June 27, 2021

Proposed Part VIII O’Connell Street Public Consultation

Clare County Council was recently approved for funding under the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund for a public realm enhancement project for O'Connell Square, Bank Place, O'Connell Street, High Street, Old Barrack Street and Barrack Square. Part VIII planning permission was granted for the O'Connell Square, Bank Place, High Street, Old Barrack Street and Barrack Square element (Planning ref. P20-8004). 

We are now developing proposals for the O'Connell Street element, with modifications for Barrack Street and we are seeking your input on the preliminary design for the project with a view to informing the detailed design process. 

The Project Team, comprising of Tom McNamara & Partners and Nicholas de Jong Associates would like to invite you to online Stakeholders' Consultation Clinics via Zoom as set out below. Due to ongoing Covid 19 restrictions face to face consultations are not possible.

  • Tuesday, June 22nd 18.30 to 20.30 - Business Traders in the immediate vicinity
  • Wednesday, June 23rd 18.30 to 20.30 - Specialist Groups, by invitation
  • Thursday, June 24th 18.30 to 20.30 - Open to any interested parties / general public

Clare County Council is launching the "Your Say" platform on the 17th June, where you will find relevant information on the proposed project. You are welcome to view the project drawings, provide feedback on the proposals, and leave a comment on the proposed works that can be discussed on the night. This platform also contains the links to the various Zoom sessions. This online platform will remain live for feedback from the 17th June until close of business on the 27th June 2021 and can be accessed on

Closing Date

Sunday June 27, 2021

Page last updated: 17/06/21

Content managed by: Ennis Municipal District

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